Socially Responsible Management

SeAH is always around, whether visible of not. Through products that bring true value to our lives, SeAH aims to make the world a more beautiful place.

Our management philosophy

  • Value creation

    We continuously pursue complete customer satisfaction through provision of high-quality products and development of services offered, always endeavoring to create value that can enrich our lives and our communities.

  • Respect for individuals

    SeAH strongly believes in the management principle that value creation has its roots in the workforce. As such, the company strives to foster a work environment that respects and values individual talent so that each member of the SeAH family can enjoy a rewarding, secure, and confident life.

  • Social contribution

    SeAH has been playing an active part in the development of the nation's key industries with a clear goal of serving the nation and its citizens. Leveraging its innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, SeAH is continuing to fulfill its role and responsibility as a socially conscious corporate citizen.

ESG management

SeAH is realizing its dream to 'make the world a more beautiful place' by running an ESG management system that is fulfilling its corporate duties and roles—carrying out trust-building economic activities, minimizing its impact on the environmental, and realizing its social responsibilities—and promoting a balanced implementation of each.

  • 1Strengthening anti-
    corruption measures
    and ethical

  • 2Creating a safe and
    healthy environment
    at business sites

  • 3Responding to
    climate change

SeAH conducted a materiality assessment to identify key issues for developing a socially responsible management system that includes ESG concerns. In this regard, in 2023 SeAH plans to select three core issues which will be managed with a focus on ESG management.

SeAH Sustainability Report 2023

An image of a person holding a globe and a tree with both hands on the grass.


SeAH is constantly looking for ways to improve and innovate by actively addressing environmental issues. SeAH is researching eco-friendly materials and technologies for a healthier future, and focusing on minimizing negative environmental impact factors through our efforts to reduce, improve, and adjust our production activities.

  • Response to climate change
  • Energy management
  • Atmospheric environment improvement
  • Water Resource Management
  • Waste management and recycling extension
  • Contaminants management
People are shaking hands over documents.


SeAH is prioritizing the positive impact of business activities on society as our top priority while continuing to fulfill our planned social responsibilities. SeAH is creating a compliant and ethically managed work environment in which people are respected, considerate to those in need, and engaging in fair business practices.

  • Creating a safe and healthy workplace
  • Employment expansion
  • Respect for employee diversity and equality
  • Employee competency development
  • Pursuit of mutual growth
  • Supply chain ESG management
  • Ethics management/
    pursuit of fair trade
  • Social contribution
  • Securement of product safety/quality
  • Personal information protection
  • Technological innovation and R&D efforts
An image of a person holding the last piece of a puzzle on a desk.


Since the early days of its founding, SeAH has been implementing an ethical, transparent, and responsible management system as part of its corporate culture. The trust SeAH has built up over the years have made possible the solid foundations of today’s SeAH, and on these foundations of trust we aspire to live up to the present and future expectations and trust of our stakeholders.

  • Disclosure of corporate governance
  • Operation of a sound Board of Directors
  • Pursuit of common interests with stakeholders
  • Establishment and disclosure of mid- to long-term dividend policy
  • Risk management

Stakeholder policy

SeAH promises to continue communicating and cooperating in order to strike a balance between the common values it pursues to meet the expectations of stakeholders and their own expectations, so these can be appropriately reflected in the internal decision-making process.

Stakeholder Communication Channels

Subject Communication Channel Participatory Activity
  • . Website
  • . Customer service center
  • . Blog
Product and service inquiries, suggestions and other comments, etc.
Executives and employees
  • . Intranet
  • . Trade union
  • . Executive/employee surveys
HR-related issues, such as changes in the management environment and wage negotiations
Competitors and partners
  • . Shared growth programs
Issues related to work relations, such as fair contracts and unfair trade practices
Government and local communities
  • . Government policy Fair Trade Commission
  • . Meetings
Issues concerning the participation in national projects, government regulatory policies, environmental protection in local regions, community social contribution activities, etc.
Shareholders and investors
  • . General meetings of shareholders
  • . IR disclosures
Issues concerning stock price and dividend fluctuations, management environment changes and management performance, general meetings of shareholders, etc.